Oman's Oil and Natural Gas
The largest oilfield in Oman is at Yibal, in the southern area of the Adh-Dhahirah region. It was the first significant oil strike in Oman, discovered in 1962 and beginning production in 1968. At its peak, it was producing some 250,000 barrels per day, but current production is down to about 88,000 barrels per day.
Liquified natural gas (LNG) was discovered in 2000 at the Khazzan liquid natural gas field, also in Adh-Dhahirah region. Production started in 2017, and it is the largest hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, project outside of the United States. Limited amounts of LNG are exported, with most being used domestically,
Oman’s petroleum reserves are smaller than other nations in the Arab Gulf, and are expected to run out in 25-30 years. The petroleum boom helped finance the development of Oman, but there is concern about the nation’s future economy.
These things were my assets, but I wrote them off as a loss for the sake of Christ. (Philippians 3:7 CEB)
Worship with us!: Knowing You by Stephanie Gretzinger. May the people of Oman experience the surpassing riches of knowing Jesus!
Matthew 18:14 Focus—‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’
Please bring these towns and villages before the Father:
Sayh Qatnah, Nizwa district, Ad-Dakhliyah region. Population: 4,092
Taymsa, Nizwa district, Ad-Dakhliyah region. Population: 3,635
Hayl Farq, Nizwa district, Ad-Dakhliyah region. Population: 3,114
Tanuf, Nizwa district, Ad-Dakhliyah region. Population: 3,069
Hayy as-Saad, Nizwa district, Ad-Dakhliyah region. Population: 2,643